
Now offering MLS services in Nicaragua, come check us out June 6th 4pm Hotel Barcelo Managua Nicaragua!
Let technology help you save time and money, bring in more national and international clients, and ultimately bring you to that level of success you have always known you could achieve if there was just that extra something supporting you in your business.

Propertyshelf, Inc. is excited to announce our attendance at The 2014 National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) International Builders’ Show!
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) International Builders’ Show (IBS) is the largest annual residential construction show in the world. This February 4th through 6th, IBS and The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) will co-locate at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This new mega-event will feature over 1,500 exhibitors and more than 600,000 square feet of exhibits.

Ecuador Receives International Recognition In a NAR Event in New Orleans
The real estate industry in Ecuador has been in the spotlight of the international market in recent years, but no one expected the wonderful news that happened in Ecuador when ACBIR (Real Estate Chamber of Guyaquil) signed a MLS contract with Propertyshelf and this step forward was recognized in New Orleans last week, in the NAR event.

Video Marketing Helps Sell Properties
A New feature in the Properyshelf MLS allows videos to be added to any property listing in various languages. The Video will be displayed along side your listing information in the MLS and websites